Auto Z zero

I got this file from Charley Thomas
Video Link is here

This is the file what has complete instructions on how to wire up a touch plate and how to create the lines of code to used.Zeroing.xlsm (446.8 KB)

Any questions please ask.
Got improvements lets hear about it and make this as good as it can be


Thanks for the information. I’ve been working on setting mine up over the past couple days.

Unfortunately your 2 photos didn’t get uploaded, and I’m really interested in seeing a working version. A different post indicated you have to wait until the photo shows up in the preview screen of the forum before you click the reply button.


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In the picture you can see my plate and it set up in the z position. Just put it on side to run x and y like shown in video. If using UGS make sure you are in inches or machine will not travel more then .5 inch and will show a falt if plate is not found. It’s a safety measure

Nice post. Thanks