Continuing the discussion from 3 Axis Automatic Zero for X-Carve:
If you have purchased one of my 3 Axis Automatic Zero Touch Plate then you should visit my new website at
On this new web site you can find and download a variety of files including updates to the files that were included on the Data Disk that shipped with your Touch Plate. I am adding new videos and documents to help you get the most out of your Touch Plate.
Access to the section with all this is information is restricted to owners of my Touch Plate. This is completely free for all owners. To access the updates and new content, click on the Triquetra Users tab at the top of any page and you will be directed to a login screen. Either log in or click on the option to sign up. When you sign up for access I will receive an automatic email letting me know you want access. I will verify your ownership using your email address you ordered from or your name. Once I verify this I will activate your membership and you will have access.
Again, this is completely free to Touch Plate owners and is the best way to get updates. The latest version of the G-Code Generator spreadsheet is version 5a. I put up a new video yesterday that is a step by step guide to Fine Tune the spreadsheet to achieve an extremely accurate zero on all 3 axis.
If you don’t own a touch plate yet, message me and I will send a coupon code to get the Touch Plate for $30.00 plus shipping for Inventables Forum Members Only.
To Place an order go to and use the coupon code in the checkout page.
Thank You,
Bookmarked and registered!
I’m back in stock. I have 5 available to ship now. Go to and use coupon code “3corners” to get $20.00 off.
Thanks everyone.
I purchased a plate from Charley. Since I had never hooked up A5, I did so with a 2 wire speaker cable. But, the file provided by Charley would not successfully run. That is, the probe would “stop” before contacting the plate. Therefore, the zeroing didn’t work. Since I could manually drive the steppers, I didn’t think the problem was with GRBL current. From discussions on this site, I saw that some were having “noise” problems with “limit” switches and some were adding low-pass filters. I didn’t have any problem with the limit switches, but then, I had used twisted shielded pair cables instead of the simple 2 wire twisted cable provided by Inventables. So, I replaced the A5 “speaker cable” with a twisted shield pair, terminating the shield at an Arduino gnd pin. Charley’s file worked fine thereafter, less some concerns about absolute accuracy which I’m working on. If this would not have worked, I would have tried filtering. Try the easiest thing first!
The absolute accuracy depends on the level of fine tuning you do. Please watch the fine tuning step by step video on the web site. It will guide you through it. Once done you won’t have to do it again unless your machine accuracy is affected by things such as loose belts, stepper calibration changes, improper power to the stepper motors or other modification.
If you hare having trouble with it please contact me. I would be happy to help you sort things out if needed.
I have just finished a new version of the G-Code Generator and am looking for volunteers to test it before I put it on the web site for download. Here are some of the changes/additions:
- I have added a menu page to make finding what you need easier. Each page has a hyperlink at the top to get you back to the Navigation Menu. No more looking for the tabs at the bottom to find what you need.
- The new spreadsheet uses some active x buttons and macro’s to copy the generated g-code so you will have to enable macros for this spreadsheet. You can use it without the macros but you will have to manually select the g-code and create a txt file to place it in.
- I have added a settings page to input your touch plate measurements in either inches or millimeters.
- Measurements from the Settings page are automatically sent to all the other pages that need that info and are automatically converted to the appropriate units (inches or millimeters) for each particular page.
- You can now set an offset from the standard front left corner of your material for your X and Y zero position. So you can now have your X and Y zero be at any corner, the center or any other location of your material just by entering the distance in X and Y from the front left corner.
- I have corrected some of the typo’s in spelling and fixed the g-code command for setting the Z axis stepper calibration from $101=xxx to $102=xxx
So if you are interested in testing this new version please let me know and I will email a copy to you for testing.
Thanks to all of you for your support,
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Charley, I registered last week and I’m still not able to login to the site… can you help?
Hi Darryl,
Your membership shows to be active. I will reset your password and send an email to your mail address with the new login info.
Let me know if you still have any problems.
I seem to be having some issue with logging in to your site as well. I have had my password reset a couple times already. Can you send me my user name with a new password please.
Sorry for the slow reply, yes I will send you your current user name and a new password. Let me know if you still have issues. As a side note, the password you used to place an order is not the same as the one for the User page.