Has anyone had trouble getting the screws into extruded four holes in the front panel? the hole are too small but the screws fit fine for the back panel.
I just assembled my new x controller over the week end there were a couple times these screws were difficult to start with out cross threading, try turning them in reverse a little and they may drop in and start straighter.
I tried that and tried using the lubricant as well but the metal hole is just too small it appears. hmm, I may need to buy smaller screws. If I try to force them in, its stripping the thread on the screws
I would consider a tap to clean up the holes or contact customer support, maybe they were miss sized. I had two holes in one end of one of the Y axis maker slides that were not threaded at all a couple minutes with a 5mm tap and I was back on track. Of course I realize having a set of metric taps is probably not something everybody has handy, if you need one maybe someone nearby could help out.