Anyone want to buy my XCarve?

Fully assembled and working. I have had it with this machine. Not what I was looking for and when I go on to the forums for troubleshooting I realize how this machine just has too many issues. Gunna get a laser cutter from a company that doesn’t release it from KickStarter.

I am in So Cal.


What size and how much ?

Ugh, bad timing. Mine is arriving this week otherwise I would buy yours in a second…
Still might anyway…
What is your configuration and setup?

I’m in SoCal and definitely interested.

how much please and where are you how many axis thanks Belinda

How big and how much? I’m in SoCal as well.


Is this unit still available?? Size and asking price

Not exactly trying to convince someone to buy, are you? I think the machine has issues that need to be addressed. The main thing is, if you don’t want to build and maintain a machine, don’t buy one that you have to build and maintain yourself…

Would you be interested in trading your X carve for my 40watt laser cuter? Mine isn’t exactly what i was afterall either.
Shoot me an email,