I’ve been thinking doing a weekly Google+ Hangout to discuss Inventables, the X-Carve and projects your working on. We could do it do them as a “Live” hangout so they get uploaded to Youtube, and would be a great resource for everyone I think. Maybe @Zach_Kaplan could join in once a month or so for any updates he may want to give? Thoughts? Comments?
As an additional note, each hangout session is limited to 10 people I think, but I don’t think there is a limit to the number of live “viewers”
Sounds cool. I’d do it. Anyone else interested?
I’m in. Tell me when, where and how. I have not used Google+ Hangout.
Might be good idea. I’ll give it a try, I don’t know how that works but I’ll learn.
Well, heck, that was easier than I thought. I should be getting my X-Carve upgrade kit this Friday so I’ll get things going so it at least looks like I’m making progress. I put together a schedule of the times that work for me… Lets see if we can get a time that works for everyone. I’ve used this site in the past to schedule things and it worked pretty well so I’ll try it here. I you have any questions about how to use it, let me know.
This should be fun
I’ll give it a shot to see if I can figure it out as well.
It would be neat to interact more closely with fellow x/c enthusiasts
I’m thinking 5pm PDT. That way those that have to work to support there hobbies should be off. I don’t know what to do for our European or down under friends
First time I logged in to Hangout site. It is absolutely better then Pinterest and Youtube. Like it.
I threw my hat in the ring. I’ll give it a shot, provided my schedule works. Thanks for setting this up @JohnScherer.
This would be fun! I’d be in!
i’m in
Count me in! I think this is a great idea!
Thats usually how it goes… No one time works for everyone but I the 5pm slots seem to work better.
So Saturday, July 11th at 5:00 pm PST, which seems to work for three people, including myself, looks like a good date and time for the first one. I realize this my not be ideal for everyone but I just wanted to get something started. I can try other times for the UK folks if we get enough interest too.
My plan for this first hangout was something like this:
- Quick introductions - Name, forum name, location, and just a little
about yourself. - A bit about which Inventible machine you have, why you choose it, and
what your planning to do with it. - Any projects you have and want to share.
I’d like to come up with a format that isn’t the same week to week just to keep things interesting. If anyone has ideas, I’d like to hear them. I’ve thought of things like a design challenges, Inventable updates maybe with Zach, tool tips, so many things we could do with this.
I’ll be using Google Hangouts On Air so it gets added to YouTube. I have no real time limit myself though google gives us up to 8 hours!.. With simple math thought I can figure out that, 10 people (the max that can be in a hangout) each taking 10 min to talk, that 1 hour - 40min. Seems a bit long to keep everyones attention but who knows. Some of this will be trial and error, so stay as long as you can, leave when you need…
If anyone in interested in just doing a hangout with no agenda, learn a bit about google hangouts, and just in general, chat. Tomorrow, Monday, July 6th, I’ll start a google live hangout at 5:00 pm, and I’ll hang out for a few hours. If you just want to test things out, or just B.S. thats cool with me. I’ll be in my garage shop with my camera and mic on. Feel free to stop by and say high.
How do we go about finding you. Could we do a quick test today.
For those of us that live under rocks – can you post what one does to view this? Thanks…
Well I think it is something like this.
I am online in a hangout right now,
was that you Larry ?
Ok, just popped in to see if it works. Don’t have camera or mic, but I thought I would check out the test tomorrow and just listen.
could you hear me Goodwill is a good source for low cost cameras and mics.