Does anyone have one of the Maslow CNC’s? I am curious is it worth it for doing large format things like the stuff on OpenDesk that the X-carve isn’t big enough to do.
I always liked these and will probably get one this summer.
I would suggest heading over to their forum. Barr and Hanna have done a great job putting this together. Members have showcased quite a few of these projects. I’m sure you will find information useful to your question there.
I have one, I’m just embarrassed to say that I haven’t the space to put it up yet. Hopefully, I can get one of my workspaces cleared our early spring and get this put together. We were also lucky enough to have one sponsored for our classroom (makerspace). Received it about 2 weeks ago. We are going to make it into a large format pen plotter instead of a router due to safety. I will be teaching youth how to program gcode.