Anyone good at identifying fonts?

I’m trying to find a similar font for some stuff for a friend. Similar to the one used in the logo in the picture? It looks terrible coverting to vector in Inkscape.

. I’ve looked for a couple days but can’t find anything very close.

I’ve tried to look it up without much luck. It may be a custom (or more likely modified existing font)

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Thanks. Kind of what I was thinking. I’ll just have to find something close I guess or try to edit something close.

This looks pretty close…

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Not the same, but really close.

Stereo Gothic

series.pdf (159.9 KB) (159.9 KB)

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Both those are extremely close!! Thanks for the help!

If this is from a web page have you tried fount, this can give you the exact font used.

The Font Finder section of is excellent at locating exact matches for future use. I do reconigze that font and I believe it’s been resized from it’s original. If you need to reproduce the logo exactly, you could paste it in illustrator and do an image trace.

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I use this font identifier.

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They are both pretty good. I’ve had the best luck with Fontsquirrel lately.