I’m trying to find a similar font for some stuff for a friend. Similar to the one used in the logo in the picture? It looks terrible coverting to vector in Inkscape.
. I’ve looked for a couple days but can’t find anything very close.I’ve tried to look it up without much luck. It may be a custom (or more likely modified existing font)
Thanks. Kind of what I was thinking. I’ll just have to find something close I guess or try to edit something close.
This looks pretty close…
Stereo Gothic
series.pdf (159.9 KB)
series.ai (159.9 KB)
Both those are extremely close!! Thanks for the help!
If this is from a web page have you tried fount, this can give you the exact font used.
The Font Finder section of fontsquirrel.com is excellent at locating exact matches for future use. I do reconigze that font and I believe it’s been resized from it’s original. If you need to reproduce the logo exactly, you could paste it in illustrator and do an image trace.
I use this font identifier.
They are both pretty good. I’ve had the best luck with Fontsquirrel lately.