Having issues with UGS.
Ok i think my issue is in the UGS 1.0.8. ill explain. For some reason my computer would not load it completely so John in customer support did his magic and got it installed. He said he never seen this issue before. I have ran a few test pieces and some come out great and some carve and then start to carve the same thing ( i call double carving) about a 1/2 inch away. Does not matter on size of the part. Now i have checked all wires there good, Fan is working put in the right direction, belts are tight, pulleys are tight, adjusted voltage on x,y steppers ( about 70% now).
The issue I am having is in the post processor screen.
1.When i jogging the machine any axis and only sometimes if i want to move it say 3 it will only move a 1/6 inch. if i set it to move 20 it may only move 1/8 inch. Now if restart the computer it will be fine for a while.
2. If i have to pause there is a 5 to 10 second delay.
3. if i cancel the program locks up and i have to restart the computer.
Could this be the issues I am have with the carving part? or is there something i am over looking?