The Z axis acme lead nut is a weak link for doing lots of precise engravings IMO. Does anyone know of an anti-backlash nut source - one that will fit Shapeoko 2 / X-Carve?
The Z axis acme lead nut is a weak link for doing lots of precise engravings IMO. Does anyone know of an anti-backlash nut source - one that will fit Shapeoko 2 / X-Carve?
Openbuilds has one, looking at the design it should have the same size (M5) and spaced (20mm) mount holes.
Thank you,
That seems to be a 4-start thread. I’ll have to check if I have that or a single start screw.
You may want to take a look at what @ErikJenkins did to replace his entire Z axis with a much sturdier unit.
Look near the bottom of his “It’s Alive” thread to see where he documented the replacement
Could this be adapted? You do have a friend that owns a machine shop.
oops I didn’t catch that - thanks!
Maybe if you added a second Delrin nut attached little lower to the z axis? Setting the tension would be tricky though.
Or even just a second Delrin nut on the ACME rod (maybe not even not connected to anything) with a tensioning spring (slid around the rod) in-between them?
Would that work? That seems to be how the anti-backlash nuts on my old MaxNC work.
Thanks, I may have to go that way, but it seems more involved than a simple “bolt-on” solution I had hoped to find.
I really hate to badger my friend too much, but I may have to make an exception for this.
That may be more easily doable. Will investigate. Thanks.
I will do the same. Won’t cost much to try.
Hope you’re better soon.
Looks like there are not too many options. It certainly is a weak spot IMO that needs a fix. Might be possible to modify the existing nut to more like the Open-Builds design. I will look into it.
Thanks all. I will report back later if I find a workable solution (at low cost I hope ).
Take two nuts and a shaft and squeeze them together.
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
After you get it set drill and pin it with a small roll pin