Another VCarve to Easel isnt working right post

I see. That box is not showing your work piece. It’s just showing the maximum XY that carve goes.
There’s nothing in gcode that says how big the stock is.
Everything looks fine. Both Easel and Vcarve are working as they should.

That shaded box is how large my piece if wood is though. Its 29"x27". And that circle should be in the center. When I do an air run it doesnt start in the middle like it should

It’s 631.44mm square. That’s 24.86" square.
It’s in the exact same position as in your V-Carve file. Horribly higlighted box is 25"x25". And remember, the pocket operation is just that inner circle.

In Vcarve, what position is your XY datum set?

He’s got everything set up correctly. See my previous two posts.
There are no issues with V-Carve setup, Easel or the Easel PP. Everything seems to be working fine.
The material is 28"x28", the pocket in question is 22"x22".

@AaronTLynch Is there something I’m not seeing?

ok, i opened the vcarve file and took a look at it. The 28X28X1 in Vcarve. I didnt open in Easel since i never use it.

The carve is 26" circle with 1" play on all sides which is fine

That is what im seeing in VPro. The toolpaths are saved for Xcarve inch files. I usually run mine in mm, so im not sure if this is an issue when translating to Easel.

Im not sure why Easel is pushing the image to the top right.

It is not.

ok, downloaded the PP for Easel and imported some of the toolpaths.
The only toolpath that looks correct on the setup is the Profile2.

Neil, if you look at multiple toolpaths the carve is not going to be correct.
If i carved everything then ran that last profile path to cutout, it would cut through all the previous carving

I wish I could stack the whole carving in Easel instead of having to make each toolpath its own project.

Where would it cut through anything, can you show what you’re talking about?
Looks fine here which means it should look fine for you.
I’m just trying to help, and I say set zero at the lower left of your material (28"x28") and carve it. Unless something is going wrong mechanically or electrically (you mentioned some errant moves after a carve, I think), it should work.
Quick gif below shows the first pocket (the only one @AaronTLynch tried), the pocket with the most detail and the big profile. You can see, in Easel, that it will fit.
NOTE: I’m not looking at toolpaths for anything other than position in the work coordinate system.

Easel does not jack up imported gcode. All it’s doing is displaying what a text file says, and then it will stream that to a controller. Relatively trivial stuff.

Really appreciate the double, triple and quadruple checking guys. Not sure why but when I turn an air cut it always goes right of center (I marked center) I’ll give it another go and see if I’m overthinking things or if it continues to go to the right

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Are you saying that the carve starts to the right? Just because your datum is the center does not mean the carve will start there.

How big is your stock?
How are you setting your work zero?

Actual piece is 27"x29". Zero was bottom left corner. But I had to move the starting point so it would start over the center of the piece

Where did you move it?
How far off center is it?

It was nearly an inch to the right of center. I just manually started my 0 a different places until I found the right spot close enough to center to not run off the work piece. Took 4 tries I think to be “happy” with it

How did the final carve turn out?
I ask because maybe something is off with your grbl settings, specifically the steps per mm.

From your file, the first move is: G0X14.0000Y14.0600Z0.2000.
G0 = sets to rapid motion
X14Y14.06Z0.2 = move to position (relative to zero) 14" (right), 14.06" (away from you), and 0.2" (above work).

Are you saying it moves 15"? Can you measure that?

The cut didnt turn out. The machine lost connection to my laptop before it was complete. And I marked center on my wood, that’s how I know it was roughly an inch past the mark. I can live with .1" off center since I have the room to be ok. An 1" though is unacceptable in my tolerance driven brain

Should be spot on. That’s why if you’re sure it’s going 15" instead of 14", there are other issues.
Have you ever calibrated the axes, checked to see if when you tell it to go 100mm it actually goes 100mm?

Not tried anything like that yet. I set it up and tried to go. Sadly I tripped at the starting line

Also, not sure with Easel but it happens with other processors, You need to turn off your power savings to your USB port. I also set my laptop to only go into power save mode if it is not plugged in and I always leave it plugged in.

When i imported your first toolpath into Easel, it put the cutout in the top right hand corner within the work dimensions, but outside center. That is why my previous statements were as such.