I, like a lot of people, have had cases where a carve would stop mid-carve (Easel gives the done message but the carve is nowhere near complete). I used to get it on lengthy carves but have not had it since following @PhilJohnson advice and directions on upgrading my software versions. That was, until today.
I was about 5 minutes into a carve and it happened again. While looking things over I noticed the XController’s front panel power-on green light was not on. I reached around the back to feel of the power switch and cord. When I lightly touched the cord things powered back up.
I played with it for awhile, slowly pulling the cord out of its socket and found that it didn’t take much for it to disconnect and reconnect. I pushed the plug in firmly and found it quite easy to wiggle back out and cause the XController to power down.
I was quite disappointed that it didn’t plug in any better than that and decided to get back to carving so I gave it a firm push to seat it as good as I could but this time I pressed it even harder and SNAP! It snapped in farther.
All this time I thought I was plugging it in all the way but I wasn’t. I have pulled on it now and it isn’t as finicky as it was before.
Makes me wonder it my prior fails could have been because of this - it disconnecting and reconnecting itself so quickly I never noticed.
So, if you are having problems where it ends too soon check the power cord where it plugs into the XController.