Another Controller Board

Just came across this controller board. It looks interesting and has a lot of good features.



100% GRBL version 0.9i (& GRBL version 0.8c) compatible
Capable of powering from ATX PSU
Capable of powering from a dedicated 12V/24V two wire power supply
Drive 4 motors with DRV8825 Stepper Drivers - 2.5A (peak) with 1.75A (RMS) with up to 1/32 microstepping
1 Driver capable of cloning X,Y, or Z or being run as an independent axis
Hardware support for both USB and Wireless Operation (XBee, WiFly, or blueBee)*
Emergency Stop to cut all motor power (with optional override)
12V and 5V** outputs for powering peripherals (fans, pumps, vacuums)
Quickly connect to Stepper Motors and limit switches with 3.5mm screw terminals and/or 4-pin 0.1" (2.54mm) headers
Expansion port for coming upgrades (handheld jog controller, integrated spindle speed control, etc.)

Just might have to pick one up to see how it works.

I remember seeing them on KickStarter.

Yep that is them. They are off Kickstarter and selling them to the masses.

Just curious as a newbie, What are the advantages over the supplied grbl board?

Advantage is independent stepper drivers Brian, supplied Grbl Shield using one single driver for two stepper motors. That is kind of weak spot.

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their Kickstarter video starts of with Black Sabbath’s “Ironman.”

This thing better be awesome, or it should be thrashed!