I found this on another forum and I am not associated with the program or author in any way.
I made an android application to control my cnc machine with grbl firmware. Its available in google play store as a free app.
Long back I am in search of a good android application for my cnc machine, i found few applications but those are not upto my taste. So i decided to build an application my self, it took me almost 8 months to develop this (i am a programmer but not in android world, and i have very less time for this task in tight work schedule, so it took very long time).
Bellow is the description copied straight from the play store.
- Supports real time overrides, feed rate, spindle speed, and toggle coolant.
- Simple and powerful jogging control with adjustable jog increment!
- Double buffered streaming to keep GRBL buffer full.
- Real time machine position, feed, buffer state reporting. (you need to enable buffer data in status report via $10=2).
- Supports Sending G-Code files. (supported extensions are .gcode .nc and .tap).
- Start/Stop and Resume streaming.
- Supports short text commands.
- Supports Probing (G38.3) and auto adjusts Z-Axis.
- Highly Configurable 4 Custom Buttons, which supports multiple commands in one go.
- Bluetooth enabled mobile phone with android version >= 4.4 (kitkat or above).
- GRBL version >= 1.1
- Bluetooth module like HC-05 or HC-06 etc…
- Bluetooth module should be already paired with the mobile.
- For android version Marshmallow or above, please use your os permission manager and grant “Read External Storage” permission in order to get file streaming working.
- Gcode files can be placed any where in the phone or external storage, but they must end with on of the following extensions .gcode or .nc or .tap.
- If you are connecting bluetooth module first time to your machine, then make sure you have changed the baud rate of the BT module to 115200. (default baud rate of the grbl 1.1v firmware is 115200 as 8-N-1 (8-bits, no parity, and 1-stop bit)).
- BT module baud rate, pin, name etc… can be changed by using AT-MODE. search google “hc-05 at mode” for more information.
- Application uses more CPU to update the UI elements like current position, console, feed, buffer etc… You can minimize this usage and save battery by locking your phone or allowing the application to run in the background
- If “Grbl Controller” is running in background don’t open any other application. Since in theory android may close any background application if it needs more memory.
Here is the play store link [url]https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.co.gorest.grblcontroller[/url]
GitHub: [url]https://github.com/zeevy/grblcontroller[/url]
Source code will be updated to github soon, you can submit any feature requests or bugs in github.
And finally here are the some screenshots.