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Hi Guys! First time posting on the forum but wanted to join in and share some of the things we’ve learned with our X-Carve Our favorite upgrade so far has been to add t-track, which allows us to easily clamp things down. It’s especially useful when we’re batching out product using wood that’s the same size because we don’t have to re-zero anything.
Looks good!
A suggestion for anyone else looking to do this:
If you switch the locations of the t-track and the corner stop, you could hold all sizes of material and never have to reset your XY zero.
I actually did this around the same time the video was posted up. I use the feature all the time. 4 different projects this weekend, as a matter of fact. It’s very a very handy addition to my machine.
Hi Neil. I’m having a hard time understanding what you’re saying. Can you explain how this works?
Also, if you manually move spindle (ie. accidentally bump it), does that throw off your xy zero? This weekend, I was doing two stage carving and when loosening the collet, I slightly moved the spindle. Does that require me to rezero the xy?
If you bump it, the machine believe it is at XY0 but it is not.
If you have homing switched installed and enabled, you can carve a bump stop in place after setting XY0 and it will remain there until you change it. If you power down / power up next day XY0 remain. This do no apply if you accidentally bump it, that require a new homing cycle (and XY0 relative to bump stop is regained, within the accuracy f your switches)
Homing switches required and enabled
Perform a Homing cycle
Place a 10x10" (Plywood or MDF, or other suitable materials) plate on your work surface, with the lower left corner slightly left & below your intended XY0-point.
Jog the router to your intended XY0 point for the future
Carve the shape in the link below (adjust carve depth to appropriate thickness,1/2" used for this example)
You have now carved a bump stop, with a XY0 based off of your machine homing position.
I’m just getting ready to do this same thing. I had also thought about swapping the t-track and the fixed stop. It would make locating work pieces som much easier. Oh and @EvanAndKatelyn, I love your channel. So much fun to watch you two.
Finally got around to adding the T-track to my waste board. I decided to add three sets (I had the track, so why not) thought it might help reduce the size of the spacers. One thing I did realize after the fact is the rockler clamps could possibly hit the Z axis. May have to 3D print a new handle for one of my clamps. I plan on adding an L to clamp against and adjusting my homing switches to stop there making setting my XY 0 some much easier.
Great set up on T-tracks, have you experienced your material lifting with side clamps. I’ve tried the cam clamps but they lift the material slightly. Would you share the file as well? Thx
I´ll try but I am not sure of what you try to achieve or quite understand your suggested work flow.
Homing = Machine Zero
Home position = work zero = your material reference (0) point
Home position is stored as an offset relative to machine zero.
So when you have homed the machine once, the stored offset provide a consistent home position / work zero
You can use that to carve a fixed bump stop, where you dont have to change home position/work zero at all if so inclined. By carving a fixed bump stop to the waste board you have a fixture to push your stock to be carved up against, all aligned.
Thanks, yes, I understand the terminology I used was incorrect.
It’s the home position fixed bump I can’t get my head round. Do you carve into the waste board to create the ‘bump’ to put the workpiece in?
Do you send a macro command to go to your chosen home position after homing.
Sorry if I sound stupid, I figured out the xcarve and carve (no internet in my workshop to use easel) within a couple of days and have designed some complex and fun carves in the last four months, but just don’t get this fixed bump which would be a great asset to the way I work
1 - You can place some thin sheet covering the corner and basically carve a square which have its lower left corner at XY0.
Work zero/Home position is stored and maintained between power off/on cycles. Persist until changed so you use Easel “Use previous Home Pos.”
2 - You only reset Z to account for different tools, then “Use previous home”
You can also read out the X/Y coordinates for your bump stop corner and jog from machine reference point to this point.