Hi I thought it would be awesome I feel I could work on modifying my easel projects on my iPad, but for some reason the projects on my account do not show up when I login from my iPad, instead it has its own list of projects- and projects I made on the iPad do not transfer to the easel account on my laptop. Thought this was strange. Any ideas or fixes?
Robert this off topic but can you zoom in on the right side to able to use the new features that Easel live were showing yesterday? If so how do you zoom in?
Yup sure of the login. That’s odd if it’s working for you and Robert. I just checked - my phone and iPad are synced but just not my laptop- MacBook Pro , using same saved safari login password across all three.
Only thing different is that I’d logged into easel via the laptop months ago, and iPad just a few days ago.
Uff problem solved, thanks rob. Kasba, There isn’t a way to zoom in to the preview yet, guess the interface is not iPad friendly - but they arnt too far off, either way the new features are accessible to be- no zoom in to anywhere needed.