300W Kit Spindle, Spindle Mount, Collets For Sale $80

Selling my 24V 300W spindle, spindle mount, cap, 1/8" collet and wrench/s.
Everything is like new condition. Very mild usage cutting MDF and plywood. Lightly used for only a few projects then switched to a different mount and router. It’s just been sitting around and I needed to sell it. I’ll try and get a photo up soon :smile:

Price for all: $80
Plus Shipping

You may want to mention whether yours is one of the new batch or an original 24V spindle. If you don’t know, you should contact Inventables and find out. My 24V spindle from the new batch was still rocking and rolling when I replaced it, but the 2 from the old batch didn’t last long.

I’d say just call or e-mail Inventables, they should probably be able to tell you from your order number. If nothing else, you can tell them what date it shipped out and they can best-guess from there.