For the following project I begin the 2-stage carve with a 3/4" surfacing bit, then a 60 deg. vbit to carve up the details. There are 3 levels here. The center star of David is set at a depth of 0", so you can see that everything else gets carved down a bit. The surfacing clears away everything except the star of David, then another layer removing material around the center sun-star and the wings.
The odd behavior appears when I switch bits and begin the detail carving. Here’s the problem: The carving with the detail bit performs all of the detail carving TWICE. The first time is a complete ‘air’ carving ABOVE the material, then it descends and carves the material as expected. The detail carving seems to be unaware that the surface clearing has reduced the height of the material where the sun-star and the wings are located.
Shared project: Easel - HCP - Ark top