I have a nearly identical project for the Gildenstern family. (google it)
Do you have a link? [quote=“Earwigger, post:21, topic:52420”]
Gildenstern family.
Not bad but i see some paint seepage.
Yeah just a little but the customer isn’t worried about it. She’s wants a older look to it and isn’t picky about it. On some designs I’m laser engraving rather then trying to fight with bleeding or problems with certain woods or paint issues. I’m going to get back into resin work because that tends to work better with inlays or custom designs just milled and not v carved.
Also depends on the wood too.
It’s joke. Referring to Hamlet.
Oh lol too busy for jokes it just went over my head.
Here is my cut with aspen today Joshua. 16" x 30" aspen with 2 coats or sanding sealer and oramask 813 on it. I used a 1/16" bit at 60 ipm. When i get it painted i will send the picture.
Not as fancy as yours but it pays the bills.Is that aqua/turquoise color a paint mask or paint?
That is a mask but my grandaughter would love to have it painted that color.
Nice Wayne! I’ll have to try the mask soon. That’s for protecting any tearing when v carving correct. It would look cool that way painted also by painting the carved part and then rolling the paint over with a foam roller brush.
I t si mainly on there to protect the wood when you paint the carving. That way you do not have to be careful when you paint.
Looks good! Only thing i would suggest is if planning on painting and then sanding, its a good idea to carve the design slightly deeper so detail isnt lost when sanding
Nice! I’ll have to try it soon!
That’s what I did with hers but for the other one she told me that he likes stuff old and worn look and told me to just try to give it that look.
Here is a shot of the sign painted with the mask on it and a picture when i took the mask off. Still need to add the poly.
Looks really crisp after you took the mask off. Impressive. Did you sand it?