Hi All
I’m desperately looking for an 1/8" collet for Makita RT0701 in the UK…
Can anyone post a link to one in the UK Please…
Many Thanks
I don’t believe anyone in Europe is offering one (and your 6mm collet is actually 6.35, but you do get the 8mm collet which we don’t get here in the States).
You can import one from the U.S.: http://www.elairecorp.com/makitaroutercollets.html
I’d love to know of other suppliers or collet sources though.
Is there another source than Elaire? With shipping, a single 1/8" collet iwould set me back $US53. More for shipping than for the collet itself!
Have a machine shop make one custom?
Or, try a 1/4"–1/8" adapter (see warning on the wiki)
Many thanks have ordered today…