1-2-3 blocks as touchplates

I realized I could use a 1-2-3 block as an instant touchplate - no need to even solder anything. I put a video up at Using a 1-2-3 block as an XCarve touchplate - YouTube.

I got the blocks off ebay - 3 MATCHED PAIRS 6 PCS PRECISION 123 1-2-3 BLOCKS BLOCK 23 HOLES .0002" NEW # | eBay

You can also use them for z axis calibration - Using a couple 1-2-3 blocks to calibrate the z axis of an XCarve - YouTube

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Second video is private.

Fixed - should be public now.

I wish easel supported this…

It kind of does, you can run the commands from the machine inspector. It is how I do it.

Exactly, Though I honestly just use cheap thin aluminum foil and dont add the retraction. just tear away the foil and I am good to cut. I will eventually switch to a more accurate block but I am happy with this method for now.